Mac(Kayla) Kelsey

  • Media Arts Teacher
  • Embodiment Researcher
  • Artist In-between

About/CV (Forthcoming)

(Site in process)
    Teaching (Forthcoming)

    01. Post-Secondary:

         TEAC 330: Education and Culture 

         EMAR 160: Computation and Media 

    02. Community:

Alternate Plains

01. Kelsey, M. (Under Review). “In touch, out of sight: Intimate pedagogies and vulnerable literacies as counter-surveillant practice in media education” (Under Review). Vulnerabilties, Leonardo Journal.

02. Kelsey, M. (Under Review). “Water as educational media: A hydropedagogy and fluid methodology”. Journal of Embodied Research.

03. Catalano, T., Malgoubri, I., Bockerman, J., Palala-Martinez, H., Kelsey, M., Brandolini, L., & Scherbokav, I. (2024). “Collaborative aesthetic experiences and teacher learners: Arts-practice research in a teacher education classroom.” International Journal of Education and the Arts.
         01. Linger, Longer (2025)
         02. Notes on Healing (2024)

         03. Making Sense (2024)

         04. SoftWear (2024)

         05. The Sensing Wall (2023)

06. BodyCode (2022)

Linger, Longer (2025)


Linger, Longer (2025) is an exploration of lingering and longing as affective states, how we leave and why we remain, what presences or absences emerge when we do. Presented as a knit sweater, rendered from handspun wool, and thermic dyed, I engage my fiber practice as a knitter to explore touch, and the intimacies of proximity/immediacy, through a non-technological means. Knitting requires, and renders, a presence of hand. As a wearable interface, this artifact invites no technology other than our body, and slow presence.