Mac(Kayla) Kelsey
- Media Arts Teacher
- Embodiment Researcher
- Artist In-between
About/CV (Forthcoming)
(Site in process)
01. Post-Secondary:
TEAC 330: Education and Culture
EMAR 160: Computation and Media
02. Community:
Alternate Plains
01. Kelsey, M. (Under Review). “In touch, out of sight: Intimate pedagogies and vulnerable literacies as counter-surveillant practice in media education” (Under Review). Vulnerabilties, Leonardo Journal.
02. Kelsey, M. (Under Review). “Water as educational media: A hydropedagogy and fluid methodology”. Journal of Embodied Research.
03. Catalano, T., Malgoubri, I., Bockerman, J., Palala-Martinez, H., Kelsey, M., Brandolini, L., & Scherbokav, I. (2024). “Collaborative aesthetic experiences and teacher learners: Arts-practice research in a teacher education classroom.” International Journal of Education and the Arts.
01. Linger, Longer (2025)
02. Notes on Healing (2024)
03. Making Sense (2024)
04. SoftWear (2024)
05. The Sensing Wall (2023)
06. BodyCode (2022)